Adding Aromatic essential Oils to your Natural Skincare Routine

Regular usage of natural skin care products can improve the health and appearance of your skin, particularly when they contain natural ingredients of 100% purity. Aromatic essential oils Aromatic plant oils have been used for thousands of years since ancient civilizations for their powerful therapeutic effects on the human body and mind . For instance, essential oils were used by the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Aztecs and Chinese for beautification (perfume and body care) as well as for treating physical and psychological problems. Essential oils are also used as incense during religious rituals. In the East, juniper is burnt in Tibetan temples as a way of purification; while in the West, frankincense resin is used during the Roman Catholic mass for important ceremonies. Through our sense of smell, essential oils can influence our state of mind. In modern times, aromatic e ssential oils have been found effective in relaxing people and reducing their anxiety levels. In two...